Profile Page.
Edit your profile settings.
This is your current height and weight.
Here you can log out of the Bridge Tracker App.
Profile Page.
- Here you can edit your profile. Ensure your ‘Workout Units’ are set to ‘Prescribed’.
- You can also adjust your height, weight and avatar in this section.
- Here you can log out of the Bridge Tracker App.
Edit your Profile.
Ensure your ‘Workout Units’ are set to ‘Prescribed’.
Edit your Profile.
- Ensure your ‘Workout Units’ are set to ‘Prescribed’.
Athlete Home Page.
This is your week view calendar. All previous training from the week will show up ticked off under the correct day.
This is your performance log. It is a short survey tracking the 5 Pillars of Health we focus on at Fitness Energy. Please fill out this survey before each training session, so we can track how you are feeling during your training.
This is your currently assigned training program. Click on this box to see your training programs. Your training program will be set as a playlist to allow you to pick when you train.
The currently selected tab is the calendar tab. It is the main tab you will need. It gives you access to the training program assigned to you. The selectable tabs are (Calendar, Analytics, Messages, Profile).
Athlete Home Page.
- This is your week view calendar. All previous training from the week will show up ticked off under the correct day.
- This is your performance log. It is a short survey tracking the 5 Pillars of Health we focus on at Fitness Energy. Please fill out this survey out before each training session, so we can track how you are feeling during your training.
- This is your currently assigned training program. Click on this box to see your training programs. Your training program will be set as a playlist to allow you to pick when you train.
- The currently selected tab is the calendar tab. It is the main tab you will need. It gives you access to the training program assigned to you. The selectable tabs are (Calendar, Analytics, Messages, Profile).
Your Program List.
This is your currently active training program. The List of your available sessions is below.
These are your available sessions. Each session in the playlist can be selected at any time to start.
Your Program List.
- This is your selected program and the list of work outs available. Each week of training will be grouped together. All completed programs will be ticked off in this list.
- This is the list of workouts available to you. Each one will be ticked off when completed.
Your Selected Program.
This is the details of the workout. It will tell you the required equipment and workout duration.
This is a small preview of the work out.
These buttons will allow you to view a full preview of the program, or you can choose to start the program immediately.
Your Selected Program.
- This is a small preview of your selected workout. It will provide a view of the start of the current program selected.
- These buttons will allow you to view a full preview of the program, or you can choose to start the program immediately.
Performance Log.
This is the performance log. This allows us to keep up with how you are feeling and recovering for your sessions. It is important to keep track of these pillars of your health. It is our focus at Fitness Energy.
Performance Log.
- This is the performance log. This allows us to keep up with how you are feeling and recovering for your sessions. It is important to keep track of these pillars of your health. It is our focus at Fitness Energy.
Your Workout.
This is the name of the block you are completing. Generally, each session is broken down into different blocks.
This box tells you which set you are completing. As you complete each set, you can scroll down to the next.
Tap the across arrow for extra information on the exercise. You can also tick off each exercise once completed.
Your Workout.
- This is the name of the block you are completing. Generally, each session is broken down into different blocks.
- This box tells you which set you are completing. As you complete each set, you can scroll down to the next.
- Tap the across arrow for extra information on the exercise. You can also tick off each exercise once completed.
- To see more detail on the exercise, including cues and a video, click the arrow button. To confirm you have completed the exercise set, click the tick button.
- If your exercise is timed, the timer is available and includes a stopwatch and countdown option.
- If you need to edit an exercise for any reason, you can click ‘Edit Exercises’. This allows you to delete, clone or copy an exercise, change it out for something similar, and adjust any parameters. We suggest adding a comment as to why you adjusted an exercise so we can continue to monitor your progress appropriately.
Extra Exercise Information.
The name of the exercise alongside a video will be available.
If applicable, the ‘CUES’ button in the top right-hand corner will provide some general cues for the exercise.
These are your repetition ranges for this specific exercise. Click the tick once you have completed the exercise.
Your previous record, including date previously completed and repetitions completed are here. You can also provide comments on the exercise.
Extra Exercise Information.
- The name of the exercise alongside a video will be available.
- If applicable, the ‘CUES’ button in the top right-hand corner will provide some general cues for the exercise.
- These are your repetition ranges for this specific exercise. Click the tick once you have completed the exercise.
- Your previous record, including date previously completed and repetitions completed are here. You can see your progressions over time with the exercise. You can also provide comments on the exercise – such as difficulty level – in the comments section.
Post Workout.
At the conclusion of the workout, rate your perceived exertion on the scale. This will help determine future programs and sessions.
Post Workout.
- At the conclusion of the workout, rate your perceived exertion on the scale. This will help determine future programs and sessions.
- The app will time how long your workout was, however if you need to adjust the duration, please manually enter the time it took.
- You will be provided with a summary of the workout alongside your performance log you completed at the beginning of the session. This can be found in the ‘My Feed’ section at the bottom of the screen, second from the left.
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Mo-Fr: 6:00 am – 9:00 pm
Sa: 6:00 am – 12:00 pm
Su: 9:00 am – 10:00 am